英訳 出雲神話

伊邪那岐命と伊邪那美命 “Izanaki-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto”

4.神々の生成 “Births of Deities”

 After giving birth to the island countries, they brought forth deities.  Oho-koto-oshi-o-no-kami was born.  Next came Iha-tsuchi-biko-no-kami.  Next came Iha-su-hime-no-kami.  Next came Oho-to-hi-wake-no-kami.  Next came Ame-no-fuki-wo-no-kami.  Next came Oho-ya-biko-no-kami.  Next came Kaza-motsu-wake-no-osi-wo-no-kami.  Next came Oho-wata-tsu-mi-no-kami, the deity of the sea.  Next came Haya-aki-du-hiko-no-kami, the deity of rivers.  Next came Imo-haya-aki-du-hime-no-kami.  From Oho-koto-oshi-wo-no-kami to Aki-du-hime-no-kami, a total of ten deities were born.

These two deities, Haya-aki-du-hiko and Haya-aki-du-hime, the former presiding over the sea and the latter rivers, brought forth Awa-nagi-no-kami, Awa-nami-no-kami, Tsura-nagi-no-kami, Tsura-nami-no-kami, Ame-no-mi-kumari-no-kami, Kuni-no-mi-kumari-no-kami, Ame-no-kuhiza-mochi-no-kami, Kuni-no-kuhiza-mochi-no-kami.  From Awa-nagi-no-kami to Kuni-no-kuhiza-mochi-no-kami, a total of eight deities were born.  Next came the deity of wind, Shina-tsu-hiko-no-kami.  Next came the deity of trees, Kuku-nochi-no-kami.  Next came the deity of mountains, Oho-yama-tsu-mi-no-kami.  Next came the deity of fields, Kaya-no-hime-no-kami,  also named as  No-duchi-no-kami.  From Shina-tsu-hiko-no-kami to No-duchi-no-kami, a total of four deities were born.

These two deities, Oho-yama-tsu-mi-no-kami and No-duchi-no-kami, the former presiding over  mountains and the latter fields, brought forth Ame-no-sa-duchi-no-kami, Kuni-no-sa-duchi-no-kami, Ame-no-sa-giri-no-kami, Kuni-no-sa-giri-no-kami, Ame-no-kura-do-no-kami, Kuni-no-kura-do-no-kami, Oho-to-mato-hiko-no-kami, Oho-to-mato-hime-no-kami.  From Ame-no-sa-duchi-no-kami to Oho-to-mato-hime-no-kami, a total of eight deities were born.

Next came Tori-no-iha-kusu-bune-no-kami,  also named as  Ame-no-tori-fune.  Next came Oho-ge-tsu-hime-no-kami.  Next came Hi-no-yagi-haya-wo-no-kami,  also named as  Hi-no-kaga-biko-no-kami, or Hi-no-kagu-tsuchi-no-kami.  When she gave birth to this Hi-no-kagu-tsuchi-no-kami, she got her private parts burnt.  Suffering from the deadly pain, she was bedridden.  Out of her vomit came forth Kana-yama-biko-no-kami and Kana-yama-bime-no-kami.  Out of her excrements came forth Hani-yasu-biko-no-kami and Hani-yasu-bime-no-kami.  Out of her urine came forth Mitsu-ha-no-me-no-kami and Waku-musuhi-no-kami.  The child of the latter diety is called Toyo-uke-bime-no-kami.  Thus Izanami-no-mikoto finally passed away as a result of the burn she received when giving birth to the deity of fire.   From Ame-no-tori-fune to Toyo-uke-bime-no-kami, a total of eight deities were born.

In total, the two deities, Izanaki and Izanami, cooperatively brought forth fourteen islands and thirty five deities.  These islands and deities were born before Izanami passed away.  Onogoro-jima was not counted among their creations because it was not what they brought forth, and the leech-baby and Awa-shima were also not counted.

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