英訳 出雲神話

伊邪那岐命と伊邪那美命 “Izanaki-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto”

8.三貴子の分治 “Heaven Divided and Entrusted Among the Noblest Three”

At this rejoiced Izanaki-no-mikoto and announced, “I have begotten one child after another and have got at last the noblest three of them,” and there, with the murmurous jingling of numerous precious stones of his necklace, he presented Great Ama-terasu with that necklace of his, and then he, announcing, “Thou shalt rule Takama-no-hara, the High Heaven,” left that high world to her rule; from thence the necklace is called Mi-kura-tana-no-kami.  Next Izanaki-no-mikoto, announcing to Tsuki-yomi-no-mikoto, “Thou shalt rule the Night World,” left that world to his rule; and then he announcing to Take-haya-susa-no-o-no-mikoto, “Thou shalt rule the Ocean,” left that world to his rule.


Notes | 注釈
