英訳 出雲神話

伊邪那岐命と伊邪那美命 “Izanaki-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto”

5.火神被殺 “The Fire-Deity is Slain”

Then Izanaki-no-mikoto grieved and said, “Alas, I lost my dear wife in exchange for just one child!” He mourned his wife’s death, crawling around the head and also around the feet of her body, weeping. Out of his tears came forth the deity, Naki-saha-me-no-kami, who dwells at Ko-no-moto in Une-o of Mount Kagu. Then, the body of Izanami-no-kami was buried on Mount Hiba, near the border of Izumo-province and Hahaki-province.

Then, unsheathing a very long sharp sword which he kept belted, Izanaki-no-mikoto beheaded his son, the Fire-Deity, Kagu-tsuchi-no-kami. The blood from the tip of the sword splattered on many rocks around him, and gave birth to Iwa-saku-no-kami, next, Ne-saku-no-kami, next, Iwa-tsutsu-no-o-no-kami. The blood from the guard of the sword also splattered on the rocks, and gave birth to Mika-haya-hi-no-kami, next, Hi-haya-hi-no-kami, next, Take-mika-zuchi-no-o-no-kami, also named as Take-futsu-no-kami or Toyo-futsu-no-kami. The blood on the handle dripped from between his fingers and gave birth to Kura-okami-no-kami, next, Kura-mitsu-ha-no-kami.

The above eight deities from Iwa-saku-no-kami through Kura-mitsu-ha-no-kami came into existence by means of the sword.

In the head of the slain Kagu-tsuchi-no-kami was born Ma-saka-yama-tsu-mi-no- kami, and in the chest was born Odo-yama-tsu-mi-no-kami, in the belly was born Oku-yama-tsu-mi-no-kami, in the genitals was born Kura-yama-tsu-mi-no-kami, in the left hand was born Shigi-yama-tsu-mi-no-kami, in the right hand was born Ha-yama-tsu-mi-no-kami, from the left foot was born Hara-yama-tsu-mi-no-kami, from the right foot was born To-yama-tsu-mi-no-kami; the eight deities from Ma-saka-yama-tsu-mi-no-kami through To-yama-tsu-mi-no-kami. The name of the very long sharp sword with which Izanaki-no-mikoto killed Kagu-tsuchi-no-kami was Ame-no-o-ha-bari, also known as Itsu-no-o-ha-bari.

Notes | 注釈
