英訳 出雲神話

伊邪那岐命と伊邪那美命 “Izanaki-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto”

7.禊祓と神々の化生 “Misogi-barai or purification ritual, and the births of deities”

Hereupon Izanaki-no-o’o-kami said, “I have been to the land of Yomi, the most filthy and dreadful place. So I should bathe and purify myself.” He went to Odo-no-Awaki-hara in Tachi-bana, Himuka, in Tsukushi Province, and bathed to purify himself.

At that time, from the stick which he threw down to the ground was born Tsuki-tatsu-funa-do-no-kami. Next, from the belt which he threw down was born Michi-no-naga-chi-ha-no-kami. Next, from the bag which he threw down was born Toki-hakashi-no-kami. Next, from the clothes which he threw down was born Wazurahi-no-ushi-no-kami. Next, from the Hakama-skirt which he threw down was born Chi-mata-no-kami. Next, from the crown which he threw down was born Aki-guhi-no-ushi-no-kami. Next, from the accessories worn on the left hand which he threw down was born Oki-zakaru-no-kami, then born was Oki-tsu-nagisa-biko-no-kami, then born was Oki-tsu-kahi-bera-no-kami. Next, from the accessories worn on the right hand which he threw down was born He-zakaru-no-kami, then born was He-tsu-nagisa-biko-no-kami, then born was He-tsu-kai-bera-no-kami.

Twelve deities from Funa-do-no-kami through He-tsu-kahi-bera-no-kami came into existence from the things he was wearing, when he threw them down.

Izanaki-no-mikoto, saying, “The upper stream runs too fast, the lower stream runs too slow,” got down in the middle of the stream, then dived deep into the water and purified himself. At this time Yaso-maga-tsu-hi-no-kami was born. Next, Oho-maga-tsu-hi-no-kami was born. These two deities came into existence from the stains he got in the filthy land of Yomi. Next born was Kamu-nahobi-no-kami who turns bad luck into good luck. Next, Oho-nahobi-no-kami was born. Next, Izu-nome-no-kami was born. Then, when Izanaki-no-mikoto went to the bottom of the water to purify himself, Sokotsu-watatsumi-no-kami and Soko-tsutsu-no-o-no-mikoto were born.  Then, when he was in the middle of the water to purify himself, Nakatsu-watatsumi-no-kami and Nakatsutsu-no-o-no-mikoto were born. When he was purifying himself on the surface of the water, Uwatsu-watatsumi-no-kami and Uwatsutsu-no-o-no-mikoto were born. These three deities of Watatsumi are worshiped as the ancestral deities of Azumi-no-murajira, who are descendants of Utsushi-Higanasaku-no-mikoto, a child of Watatsumi-no-kami. The three deities of Sokotsutsu-no-mikoto, Nakatsutsu-no-mikoto, and Uwatsutsu-no-mikoto, are the deities of Suminoe, that is, Sumiyoshi-taisya in Osaka.  Then, when Izanaki-no-mikoto rinsed his left eye, Amaterasu-oho-mi-kami was born. When he rinsed his right eye, Tsukuyomi-no-mikoto was born. When he rinsed his nose, Takehaya-Susanoho-no-mikoto was born.

These fourteen deities from Ya-so-maga-tsu-hi-no-kami through Haya-Susa-no-o-no-mikoto came into existence when Izanaki-no-mikoto bathed and purified  himself. 

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